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Agricultural Supplies

  • Ammonium nitrate – NH4 NO3

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is a vital fertilizer in modern agriculture, belonging to the family of nitrogen fertilizers. Its versatility in application, coupled with the ability for industrial-scale production and supply, underscores its enduring significance in the fertilizer market.

This well-soluble and highly concentrated fertilizer contains 34.4% nitrogen, making it a preferred choice for agricultural use. Ammonium nitrate is typically produced in granular spherical form, offering ease of handling and application. It holds the top position among all fertilizers in terms of usage within the agricultural industry, reflecting its effectiveness and widespread adoption in crop cultivation.

Ammonium nitrate plays a crucial role in providing essential nitrogen nutrients to plants, promoting healthy growth and increased yields. Its efficient solubility ensures rapid nutrient uptake by crops, enhancing their overall development and productivity. The reliable supply and established production technology of ammonium nitrate further contribute to its reputation as a cornerstone fertilizer for modern agricultural practices.

  • Diammophoska

This granulated fertilizer is a concentrated blend containing high levels of nitrogen (10%), phosphate (26%), and potassium (26%). With 20-21% nitrogen and 50-53% P2O5 in soluble form, it offers excellent physical properties and a balanced N:P2O5 ratio of 1:2.5.

Known as ammophos, this fertilizer is particularly effective when applied in rows on black soils, especially alkaline soils. It can be used on various soil types and for all types of crops, making it a versatile choice for agricultural applications. Additionally, it serves as a valuable component for creating customized fertilizer blends, enhancing nutrient availability and promoting optimal crop growth and development.

  • Urea

Urea is a highly popular and trusted mineral nitrogen fertilizer suitable for cultivating any crop on various soil types. It consists of at least 46% nitrogen and is produced through the synthesis of ammonia and carbon dioxide under high pressures and temperatures. Urea is a white, fine-crystalline product that is soluble in water. It exhibits low hygroscopicity at 20°C, meaning it absorbs minimal moisture and remains relatively stable during storage, with only slight caking under favorable conditions. Granulated urea offers excellent physical properties, making it easy to handle and apply in agricultural settings. Widely recognized as one of the most effective nitrogen fertilizers, urea plays a crucial role in providing essential nitrogen nutrients to plants, supporting robust growth and high yields in various crops.

  • NPK 15:15:15

NPK 15:15:15 is a highly complex mineral fertilizer formulated to provide essential nutrients for plant growth, including nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), and trace elements such as boron (B), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and molybdenum (Mo). This balanced composition ensures comprehensive nutrient support for various crops, promoting healthy development and improved yields.

This specialized fertilizer contains 15% each of nitrogen (N), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), and potassium oxide (K2O), all essential for robust plant growth. It is produced in granular form, combining ammonium nitrate, ammophos, diammofosa, ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate in a single technological process. These components interact through the reaction of ammonia, nitric acid, and phosphoric acid, resulting in a high-quality granular fertilizer with excellent mechanical properties.

NPK 15:15:15 is designed for use on all types of soils and can be applied as a basal or row application during the growing season for a wide range of crops. Its balanced nutrient ratio makes it particularly suitable and economically beneficial for cereal crops, technical crops, row crops, and perennial grasses. The fertilizer exhibits good physical and chemical properties, is non-toxic, fire and explosion-proof, and resistant to caking due to the inclusion of an anti-caking agent. Its granular form facilitates mechanized application, enhancing efficiency and ease of use in agricultural operations.